Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blog Assignment 9 A

One point that did not come across very well in our game presentation today was what Charlie Sheen is actually collecting in the game.  The game is called Charlie Sheen's coke adventure and this can bring some misconceptions.  When Charlie Sheen and coke are said in the same question people will automatically think of cocaine.  This game is meant for people of all ages and is actually about the drink coca-cola.  Charlie Sheen is running around drinking coke to get a buzz to run faster.  Another thing that did not come across well was the rewards that are earned after a level.  After every level the player is rewarded with a new catch phrase that is said by Charlie.  Each catch phrase has something to do with the level that has just been played or the level that is coming up.  The concept that is easiest to discuss in a presentation about gaming is the rules of the game.  The rules make up what the game is actually about and if rules are not presented there is no game.  Explaining rules is very easy because you can also just make them up as you go.

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